Pictures of Original PFunk in NYC (7/03/03)


LEFT: Ray Davis, partying on the Other-ship!
MIDDLE: Fuzzy Haskins, in fishnet gear!
RIGHT: Grady Thomas, in his purple reign!

LEFT: Douglas Knight-Smith, sporting his special gift from BROOKENSTEIN...the Uncle Sam hat!!
MIDDLE: Ben Powers, ever-so-funky on the drums!
RIGHT: Emerald Davis is tickled pink!

LEFT: Gene Thomas is getting down....all for the cookies!
MIDDLE: Jackie Love is little blue today!
RIGHT: Derrick Davis is too busy funkin' to notice the camera, but Pete Piscarzyk poses!

LEFT: Paisley burns up B.B. King's on lead guitar!!
RIGHT: Sanita, the newest OP ("OP" for "ooooohhh....pretty!") girl on the block!

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